Lake Sumter Transmission

Lake Sumter Transmission

Auto Repair in Leesburg, FL

Auto Repair Gas & Service Stations Auto Parts and Accessories

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700 S 14th St,
Leesburg , FL 34748 UNITED STATES

About Lake Sumter Transmission

Lake-Sumter Transmissions, Inc. welcomes you to our automatic transmission repair shop! Each transmission technician at our shop is highly qualified and ready to deliver their expert automotive transmission repair technician knowledge & skills for your every automatic transmission repair need. Our automatic transmission shop is proud to be affiliated with the non-profit organization known as the Automatic Transmission Rebuilder Association (ATRA). As an ATRA member, our automatic transmission repair shop adheres to the service and repair definitions which are a part of the ATRA bylaws and code of ethics. Lake-Sumter Transmissions, Inc. pledges to all of our customers that we will not remove a transmission from a vehicle in order to complete a repair unless absolutely necessary. Additionally, our shop promises to diagnose transmission problems for all of our local and surrounding area customers in an honest and expert manner.


Lake Sumter Transmission 352-787-4640
700 S 14th St,
Leesburg , FL 34748 UNITED STATES
Lake Sumter Transmission

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Lake Sumter Transmission
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Lake Sumter Transmission

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