Milex/Mr. Transmission

Milex/Mr. Transmission

Auto Repair in Altamonte Springs, FL

Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories

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1301 E Altamonte Dr. # XE,,
Altamonte Springs , FL 32701 UNITED STATES

About Milex/Mr. Transmission

We have proudly served the Altamonte Springs area and the surrounding communities of Longwood, Casselberry, Maitland, Fern Park, Winter Park, Winter Springs, Lake Mary, and Oviedo for more than 12 years and are backed by a national organization with over 100 years combined transmission and auto repair experience to assure you that Mr. Transmission Milex is second to none when it comes to repairing and maintaining your vehicle. The auto repair shop to trust is Mr. Transmission Milex. Whether your car is in need of a minor fix or an extensive overhaul, we’ll give your vehicle our full attention until it’s running the way it should be. We want your experience with us to be a positive one, and our courteous, knowledgeable mechanics will stop at nothing to get you back out on the road as quickly as possible. Contact us today for more information!


Milex/Mr. Transmission 407-831-1234
1301 E Altamonte Dr. # XE,,
Altamonte Springs , FL 32701 UNITED STATES
Milex/Mr. Transmission 5

Based on 1 reviews

Milex/Mr. Transmission 407-831-1234
1301 E Altamonte Dr. # XE,,
Altamonte Springs , FL 32701 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great care

Honest they take the time to do a job . No matter how big or small, and its allways in a timely matter.
posted at 03/14/11

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Milex/Mr. Transmission
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