Rene's Specializing In Mercedes

Rene's Specializing In Mercedes

Auto Repair in Apopka, FL

Auto Repair

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3138 Overland Rd,
Apopka , FL 32703 UNITED STATES

About Rene's Specializing In Mercedes

Rene s Specializing In Mercedes has proudly served Orlando area Mercedes-Benz owners with dealer quality automotive repairs since 1983. Rene has an extensive background working on Mercedes-Benz and has personally been performing maintenance and repairs on these fine vehicles since 1971.
This expert auto mechanic shop was established in 1986, and has developed a well known reputation in the area as a reliable alternative to dealership service shops. Rene s Specializing In Mercedes uses the latest technology, equipment and techniques applied by factory dealer service shops.
Why choose us?
We honor most extended warranty repairs.
Utilize the latest technology, tools, and techniques.
STAR Computer diagnostic system used by MB Dealers.
Over 33 years working on most years and models of Mercedes-Benz


Rene's Specializing In Mercedes 407-291-2574
3138 Overland Rd,
Apopka , FL 32703 UNITED STATES
Rene's Specializing In Mercedes

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