Myers Cadillac Chev Buick GMC

Myers Cadillac Chev Buick GMC

Auto Dealers in Ottawa, ON

Auto Dealers

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1200 Baseline Road,
Ottawa , ON K2C 0A6 CANADA

About Myers Cadillac Chev Buick GMC

The name Myers first became associated with automotive retailing and service in Ottawa in 1942. At the time Gordon Myers established Myers Motors as the successor dealership to Pinks Limited which was the original General Motors Dealership in Ottawa. Since that time Myers has had four owners. Bob Moore followed Gordon Myers in 1954 and Neil McDonald took over from Bob in 1959. Hank Mews, the current owner, replaced Neil in 1975.


Myers Cadillac Chev Buick GMC 613-225-2277
1200 Baseline Road,
Ottawa , ON K2C 0A6 CANADA
Myers Cadillac Chev Buick GMC

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Myers Cadillac Chev Buick GMC

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