American Five Star Auto Repair & Transmission

American Five Star Auto Repair & Transmission

Auto Repair in Tempe, AZ

Auto Repair

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2070 E Apache Blvd, #101
Tempe , AZ 85281 UNITED STATES

About American Five Star Auto Repair & Transmission

You rely heavily on your vehicle to take you to work, school, outings with family and friends, and more. If you're dealing with an issue, get back on the road and back to living life with help from the skilled mechanics at American Five Star Auto Repair & Transmission. With more than 25 years of experience, this local auto repair center offers a wide range of services at competitive prices to drivers across Tempe, AZ, and the surrounding area.

Whether you drive a sports car or a minivan, these talented technicians have the expertise and resources to solve your issues no matter the make or model. They efficiently service vehicles using top-of-the-line parts and cutting-edge technology. Clients can look forward to receiving helpful information regarding the condition of their vehicle, resulting in more sound decisions moving forward.

As a full-service auto repair shop, these professionals will exceed your expectations with a variety of solutions for your cars, trucks, and SUVs. Their well-trained mechanics provide everything from battery replacements and oil changes to exhaust repairs and engine overhauls. Take advantage of their preventative maintenance plans, suspension work, free local deliveries and pickups with repairs, and shuttle services.

Dedicated to helping clients get more mileage out of their vehicles, American Five Star Auto Repair & Transmission is the name you can trust for dependable auto repair services. Discuss your options with seasoned mechanics to determine the best solutions for the short and long term. Call them today at (480) 966-8181 to schedule an appointment or visit them online for more information.


American Five Star Auto Repair & Transmission 480-966-8181
2070 E Apache Blvd, #101
Tempe , AZ 85281 UNITED STATES
American Five Star Auto Repair & Transmission

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American Five Star Auto Repair & Transmission
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