Stonewall Transmission

Stonewall Transmission

Auto Repair in Keithville, LA

Auto Repair Transmissions and Engines

Contact us


12734 Mansfield Rd,
Keithville , LA 71047 UNITED STATES


Stonewall Transmission 318-925-9192
12734 Mansfield Rd,
Keithville , LA 71047 UNITED STATES
Stonewall Transmission 5

Based on 2 reviews

Stonewall Transmission 318-925-9192
12734 Mansfield Rd,
Keithville , LA 71047 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great place to fix your transmission

When you find a GREAT business, you stick with him!\r
He has done 5 transmissions for me and I hope he will do my next one.
posted at 03/26/10
Stonewall Transmission 318-925-9192
12734 Mansfield Rd,
Keithville , LA 71047 UNITED STATES
5 5

A Noise at No Charge!

My regular mechanic thought the loud noise coming from my 2004 Impala might be a transmission problem and recommended Stonewall Transmission. Took car to Mike and the noise came from a piece of underbody plastic rubbing against a pulley....
posted at 08/20/10

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Stonewall Transmission
Auto Repair
5.0 (2 reviews)
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Stonewall Transmission

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