K D Village Donuts

K D Village Donuts

Restaurants in Ventura, CA

Restaurants Chocolate and Donuts Sweets

Contact us


3855 Telegraph Rd,
Ventura , CA 93003 UNITED STATES


K D Village Donuts 805-644-6778
3855 Telegraph Rd,
Ventura , CA 93003 UNITED STATES
K D Village Donuts 1

Based on 1 reviews

K D Village Donuts 805-644-6778
3855 Telegraph Rd,
Ventura , CA 93003 UNITED STATES
1 5


Charges more for use of a credit card which is illegal. Had my kids with me to buy donuts for school and when I called him on charging WAY more for use of a credit card then he was being charged, he took the donuts back. He was rude!!!
posted at 04/03/11

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K D Village Donuts
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