Natural Cafe Santa Barbara Uptown

Natural Cafe Santa Barbara Uptown

Restaurants in Santa Barbara, CA

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361 Hitchcock Way,
Santa Barbara , CA 93105 UNITED STATES


Natural Cafe Santa Barbara Uptown 805-563-1163
361 Hitchcock Way,
Santa Barbara , CA 93105 UNITED STATES
Natural Cafe Santa Barbara Uptown 4.6666666666667

Based on 3 reviews

Natural Cafe Santa Barbara Uptown 805-563-1163
361 Hitchcock Way,
Santa Barbara , CA 93105 UNITED STATES
5 5

Healthy and Delicious

A vegetarian's paradise! And your meat eating friends won't notice they were eating veg. Satisfying and fun food. Spiritual spinach salad anyone? You will seriously be tired of chewing before you finish this bountiful salad. I used to...
posted at 03/03/10
Natural Cafe Santa Barbara Uptown 805-563-1163
361 Hitchcock Way,
Santa Barbara , CA 93105 UNITED STATES
5 5

So many great choices.

Wonderful healthy and vegetarian options. It's nice to have a place that vegetarian and vegan friends don't just have one option on the menu.
posted at 04/30/10
Natural Cafe Santa Barbara Uptown 805-563-1163
361 Hitchcock Way,
Santa Barbara , CA 93105 UNITED STATES
4 5

Good place

For someone who is not a vegetarian, this place is actually pretty good! I had a sandwich that tasted really good even though it didn't have meat or other un-natural ingredients.
posted at 04/02/10

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Natural Cafe Santa Barbara Uptown
4.7 (3 reviews)
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Natural Cafe Santa Barbara Uptown

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