Sam's To Go

Sam's To Go

Restaurants in Santa Barbara, CA

Restaurants American Restaurants

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315 Meigs Rd, Ste I
Santa Barbara , CA 93109 UNITED STATES


Sam's To Go 805-966-7446
315 Meigs Rd, Ste I
Santa Barbara , CA 93109 UNITED STATES
Sam's To Go 5

Based on 1 reviews

Sam's To Go 805-966-7446
315 Meigs Rd, Ste I
Santa Barbara , CA 93109 UNITED STATES
5 5

Sam's to go or stay.

There are several Sam's on this east/west coast line. The Meigs' store has friendly servers, a big menu on the wall. Choices of kinds of sandwiches, the whole deli deal. And the prices are resonable. A half sandwich is enough for me....
posted at 10/27/10

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Sam's To Go
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