Porter, Steve, Md - Digestive Health Specialists

Porter, Steve, Md - Digestive Health Specialists

Doctors in Ogden, UT


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4403 Harrison Blvd, # 2655
Ogden , UT 84403 UNITED STATES


Porter, Steve, Md - Digestive Health Specialists 801-387-2550
4403 Harrison Blvd, # 2655
Ogden , UT 84403 UNITED STATES
Porter, Steve, Md - Digestive Health Specialists 4

Based on 1 reviews

Porter, Steve, Md - Digestive Health Specialists 801-387-2550
4403 Harrison Blvd, # 2655
Ogden , UT 84403 UNITED STATES
4 5

Does not do correct billing!

NOTHING! He can treat patients after he receives FALSE insurance information. And, instead of billing the patient he helped he bills a different party. Without knowin the other party ended up payin 1600.00 in a judgement all because...
posted at 02/26/10

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Porter, Steve, Md - Digestive Health Specialists
4.0 (1 reviews)
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Porter, Steve, Md - Digestive Health Specialists

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