Pet Stop Veterinary Clinic

Pet Stop Veterinary Clinic

Pet Stores in Salt Lake City, UT

Pet Stores Veterinarians

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44 N 800 W,
Salt Lake City , UT 84116 UNITED STATES

About Pet Stop Veterinary Clinic


Pet Stop Veterinary Clinic 801-531-0662
44 N 800 W,
Salt Lake City , UT 84116 UNITED STATES
Pet Stop Veterinary Clinic 3.6666666666667

Based on 3 reviews

Pet Stop Veterinary Clinic 801-531-0662
44 N 800 W,
Salt Lake City , UT 84116 UNITED STATES
1 5

Very Uncompassionate

My friend brought in her dog, her faithful companion of 9 years because she was having trouble breathing. When the Dr. entered the room he looked at her gums and announced she was dying. There was not an ounce of compassion in his voice...
posted at 06/29/11
Pet Stop Veterinary Clinic 801-531-0662
44 N 800 W,
Salt Lake City , UT 84116 UNITED STATES
5 5

These Guys Are Great!!!

I was really worried at first not wanting to let my babies out of my sight, our animals are like family to us. But I soon realized I was worrying for nothing, these guys are great!!! I have 2 dogs and 2 cats and have taken them all there...
posted at 02/10/10
Pet Stop Veterinary Clinic 801-531-0662
44 N 800 W,
Salt Lake City , UT 84116 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great Vet!!

I Love Pet Stop Veterinary Clinic! It's hard not to notice how much they care about your pet's well being and they are not stuffy or pushy.
posted at 06/22/10

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Pet Stop Veterinary Clinic
Pet Stores
3.7 (3 reviews)
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Pet Stop Veterinary Clinic

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