Automotive Safety Service

Automotive Safety Service

Automotive in Salt Lake City, UT

Automotive Auto Dealers Auto Repair

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2695 S 900 E,
Salt Lake City , UT 84106 UNITED STATES


Automotive Safety Service 801-467-6571
2695 S 900 E,
Salt Lake City , UT 84106 UNITED STATES
Automotive Safety Service 1

Based on 2 reviews

Automotive Safety Service 801-467-6571
2695 S 900 E,
Salt Lake City , UT 84106 UNITED STATES
1 5

An Unfortunate Experience

In June I took my 2003 Odyssey go Barrett to have the 105000 mile service. This service includes replacing the timing belt, a big ticket item. About one month after the timing belt was replaced the van began to have starting problems,...
posted at 03/02/11
Automotive Safety Service 801-467-6571
2695 S 900 E,
Salt Lake City , UT 84106 UNITED STATES
1 5

Unfortunate Experience

Although in general I have been satisfied with Barrett's Automotive Services in the past, especially his willingness to bring me my car when I needed him to, when push comes to shove you know if you can do business with someone when they...
posted at 03/01/11

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Automotive Safety Service
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