Chim-Chimney Sweep Inc.

Chim-Chimney Sweep Inc.

House Cleaning in North Salt Lake, UT

House Cleaning Pest Control

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172 Nimue Cir,
North Salt Lake , UT 84054 UNITED STATES

About Chim-Chimney Sweep Inc.

Chim-Chimney Sweep Inc. is a locally owned and operated chimney cleaning and repair business. By turning to us, you can have your smokestack maintained properly. Our Salt Lake City, Utah-based experts are fully capable of cleaning dryer vents, ductwork, and furnaces. With more than 30 years of industry experience, we have the expertise to remove flammable materials and residue from any structure. Our licensed chimney sweeps use the right tools and maintenance practices to get any job done. As a member of the National Chimney Sweep Guild, we understand how important it is to clean chimneys. The removal of soot and residue prevents fires. Our specialist will make sure everything is cleaned correctly.


Chim-Chimney Sweep Inc. 801-359-7668
172 Nimue Cir,
North Salt Lake , UT 84054 UNITED STATES
Chim-Chimney Sweep Inc.

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Chim-Chimney Sweep Inc.
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Chim-Chimney Sweep Inc.

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