The Looney Bin

The Looney Bin

Flowers & Gifts in Salt Lake City, UT

Flowers & Gifts Clothing

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50 S Main St, Ste 135
Salt Lake City , UT 84144 UNITED STATES


The Looney Bin 801-364-4345
50 S Main St, Ste 135
Salt Lake City , UT 84144 UNITED STATES
The Looney Bin 5

Based on 1 reviews

The Looney Bin 801-364-4345
50 S Main St, Ste 135
Salt Lake City , UT 84144 UNITED STATES
5 5

Best Tailoring in Town

It took me awhile to find Raheem at Elegant Tailoring but now I have gone to him for years. He does everything immaculately! I have had him do pants, dresses, tops, suits. Once I had a friend of mine who does costuming work on a Chanel...
posted at 05/03/11

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The Looney Bin
Flowers & Gifts
5.0 (1 reviews)
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The Looney Bin

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