The Laiderman Law Firm, P.C.

The Laiderman Law Firm, P.C.

Lawyers and Law Firms in St. Louis, MO

Lawyers and Law Firms

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1067 N. Mason Road, Suite 3
St. Louis , MO 63141 UNITED STATES

About The Laiderman Law Firm, P.C.

The Laiderman Law Firm, P.C. uses a unique process that is built around the belief that people who care make plans that work. This means designing plans that are in agreement with what clients want and having a process to keep their plans up to date with changes in their family, their finances, and the law. This unique process also focuses on making sure that clients’ assets and beneficiaries are consistent with their plan.

Estate plans are written in plain English, and each plan is reviewed with the client, page by page and paragraph by paragraph, to ensure it accomplishes the clients' goals and addresses their concerns for themselves and their family. Estate plans are provided in a timely manner and for a fixed fee, quoted in advance.

The firm also provides business clients with Business Care™. This is a service whereby we will serve as the registered agent for a business, keep necessary business records up to date, meet with the client bi-annually to discuss business matters, and take unlimited calls on all new matters.


The Laiderman Law Firm, P.C. 314-514-9100
1067 N. Mason Road, Suite 3
St. Louis , MO 63141 UNITED STATES
The Laiderman Law Firm, P.C.

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