McGinnis Heating and Cooling

McGinnis Heating and Cooling

Contractors in Cahokia, IL


Contact us


7 Industrial Park,
Cahokia , IL 62206 UNITED STATES

About McGinnis Heating and Cooling

Our convenient service contract ensures that your system always has what it needs to run efficiently. We come to your home and check your heating system in the winter and cooling system in the summer. If there is something that needs to be fixed you will also receive 10% off parts and labor.You want to make sure that your heating system is always well maintained for the best performance. If you are unsure on what needs to be done, We also offer service contracts to take all of the worry and hassle away. We will come out to your home before the cold weather, The heat can be unbearable if your air conditioning is not working properly. Don't wait until there is a problem when regular maintenance of your system can prevent most issues. With an annual service contract we take the hassle out of trying to remember to get your system serviced. We will come to your house, change your filters and go over your whole system to ensure that it is running properly so that you're not stuck in the heat. No problem! We will not only repair your heating and cooling systems but can also service your water heater. With over 35 years experience, we have the knowledge and skill necessary to get the job done. If you're having issues with your heating or air conditioning call us now. We have the skills and expertise necessary. 24-hour emergency service.


McGinnis Heating and Cooling 618-628-3907
7 Industrial Park,
Cahokia , IL 62206 UNITED STATES
McGinnis Heating and Cooling

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McGinnis Heating and Cooling

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