

Auto Repair in Waterloo, IL

Auto Repair Gas & Service Stations Auto Parts and Accessories

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215 Greiner Drive,
Waterloo , IL 62298 UNITED STATES

About Autotire

Autotire Car Care Centers are your source in Waterloo, IL for complete automotive care for your car, truck or SUV, and the best deals on tires. And, if you find a better deal, we will beat the competitions total price by 5%! While our name means tires, we offer a full range of automotive services such as oil changes and brake service, to help you maintain your vehicle and protect your warranty.


Autotire 618-939-9777
215 Greiner Drive,
Waterloo , IL 62298 UNITED STATES
Autotire 2.3333333333333

Based on 3 reviews

Autotire 618-939-9777
215 Greiner Drive,
Waterloo , IL 62298 UNITED STATES
1 5

No thanks.

Missed the obvious problem and then estimated $500 to replace a $35 part that wasn't the problem in the first place. That's either incompetent or absurd. Tires are almost twice as much as online retailers and don't include labor. Why...
posted at 02/16/10
Autotire 618-939-9777
215 Greiner Drive,
Waterloo , IL 62298 UNITED STATES
1 5

No thanks.

Missed the obvious problem and then estimated $500 to replace a $35 part that wasn't the problem in the first place. That's either incompetent or absurd. Tires are almost twice as much as online retailers and don't include labor. Why...
posted at 02/15/10
Autotire 618-939-9777
215 Greiner Drive,
Waterloo , IL 62298 UNITED STATES
5 5

Frequent Customer

I've purchased 3 sets of tires from these guys and have had my brakes replaced on my truck. No problems at all. Tire prices are competitive and they do include all labor to install them. Of course they can't compete with online prices....
posted at 08/26/10

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Auto Repair
2.3 (3 reviews)
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