Waterloo Automotive

Waterloo Automotive

Auto Repair in Waterloo, IL

Auto Repair Gas & Service Stations Tires

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622 N Market St,
Waterloo , IL 62298 UNITED STATES


Waterloo Automotive 618-939-5855
622 N Market St,
Waterloo , IL 62298 UNITED STATES
Waterloo Automotive 4

Based on 1 reviews

Waterloo Automotive 618-939-5855
622 N Market St,
Waterloo , IL 62298 UNITED STATES
4 5

A Solid Repair Shop

Here's a shop in Waterloo on N. Market that is what I've been looking far. A good solid shop that has the basics down and keeps up with today's technology. Brian and his dad Phil have expanded from their shop in St.Louis and brought some...
posted at 05/05/10

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Waterloo Automotive
Auto Repair
4.0 (1 reviews)
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