Autotech Auto Center

Autotech Auto Center

Auto Repair in O'Fallon, MO

Auto Repair Gas & Service Stations Auto Parts and Accessories

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10 Elaine Dr.,
O'Fallon , MO 63366 UNITED STATES

About Autotech Auto Center

Autotech Auto Center proudly serves the local O'Fallon, MO area. We understand that getting your car fixed or buying new tires can be overwhelming. Let us help you choose from our large selection of tires. We feature tires that fit your needs and budget from top quality brands, such as Michelin®, BFGoodrich®, Uniroyal®, and more. We pride ourselves on being your number one choice for any auto repair.


Autotech Auto Center 636-978-8038
10 Elaine Dr.,
O'Fallon , MO 63366 UNITED STATES
Autotech Auto Center 5

Based on 1 reviews

Autotech Auto Center 636-978-8038
10 Elaine Dr.,
O'Fallon , MO 63366 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great Shop - Great People

Suzie at the front desk was personable, Greg and his shop are AAA Approved and are ASE certified. They fix waterpumps, timing belts, steering and suspension stuff. Good shop - Good Price. I've known them some quiate a while, can't miss
posted at 05/05/10

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Autotech Auto Center
Auto Repair
5.0 (1 reviews)
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