Park Avenue Coffee

Park Avenue Coffee

Restaurants in St. Louis, MO

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1919 Park Ave,
St. Louis , MO 63104 UNITED STATES


Park Avenue Coffee 314-621-4020
1919 Park Ave,
St. Louis , MO 63104 UNITED STATES
Park Avenue Coffee 3

Based on 2 reviews

Park Avenue Coffee 314-621-4020
1919 Park Ave,
St. Louis , MO 63104 UNITED STATES
5 5


SO SO SO good. I'm not a coffee expert or anything, but the coffee is good. The reason to go here is the GOOEY BUTTER CAKE! So many flavors and all of them are fantastic. The employees are great too.
posted at 04/25/10
Park Avenue Coffee 314-621-4020
1919 Park Ave,
St. Louis , MO 63104 UNITED STATES
1 5

Might as well be a Starbuck's

This place is so slick and polished that it may as well be a chain and probably will be a chain one of these days. The owner is arrogant but his partner/sister/manager (have heard all three from different people) is very nice. I haven't...
posted at 03/18/10

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Park Avenue Coffee
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