Elizabeth Ann Arthur, MD

Elizabeth Ann Arthur, MD

Doctors in Rochester, NY


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500 Helendale Rd, Ste 100
Rochester , NY 14609 UNITED STATES

About Elizabeth Ann Arthur, MD


Elizabeth Ann Arthur, MD 585-266-5420
500 Helendale Rd, Ste 100
Rochester , NY 14609 UNITED STATES
Elizabeth Ann Arthur, MD 1

Based on 2 reviews

Elizabeth Ann Arthur, MD 585-266-5420
500 Helendale Rd, Ste 100
Rochester , NY 14609 UNITED STATES
1 5

Disappointed and broke

I would never recommend Helendale Dermatology to anyone! Dr. Elizabeth Arthur is a sham! I spent 2 years buying over priced lotions and creams and was prescribed the most expensive drugs, with no results. When I switched to another...
posted at 07/26/11
Elizabeth Ann Arthur, MD 585-266-5420
500 Helendale Rd, Ste 100
Rochester , NY 14609 UNITED STATES
1 5

Unable to get an appointment

I recently had a rash on my shoulder and called them to schedule an appointment, but unable to get in for over a month!!! So I called someone else and was able to get in that Same Day! Good thing because it was SHINGLES!!! I could have...
posted at 05/30/11

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