Taxes in Roanoke, VA
1234 Jamison Ave SE,
Roanoke ,
Have a complex business return, correspondence from the IRS, or just need to file some back taxes? Interested in learning how to prepare income taxes? Our Tuition Free Tax School* starts in the fall. We have a professional, friendly staff to meet your tax and accounting needs. We are often in the office at other than published times. Drop by anytime you see the lights on to discuss your tax issues because at Liberty, the coffee and conversation are always free! We support the March of Dimes, the American Cancer Society and Cell Phones for Soldiers. We also actively support our neighboring Presbyterian Community Center. Ask us how you can contribute to one of these organizations and also receive a discount on your tax prep fees! *Enrollment in, or completion of, the Liberty Tax Course is neither an offer nor a guarantee of employment, except as may be required by the state. Additional qualifications may be required. Enrollment restrictions apply. State restrictions may apply and additional training may be required. Valid at participating locations only. Void where prohibited. Liberty is an equal opportunity employer. *small fee for books & supplies
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