Colors On Parade

Colors On Parade

Auto Repair in Bedford, VA

Auto Repair Body Shops

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1149 Thoroughbred Xing,
Bedford , VA 24523 UNITED STATES


Colors On Parade 540-389-4730
1149 Thoroughbred Xing,
Bedford , VA 24523 UNITED STATES
Colors On Parade 1

Based on 1 reviews

Colors On Parade 540-389-4730
1149 Thoroughbred Xing,
Bedford , VA 24523 UNITED STATES
1 5

Terrible Customer Service

I set up an appointment to have my car looked at. I took off work and waited at my house for them to come look at the car, 5 O'clock rolls around and still no word from them. I wait until the next day and call again. They say they are...
posted at 06/24/11

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Colors On Parade
Auto Repair
1.0 (1 reviews)
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