Northside Baptist Church

Northside Baptist Church

Churches in Mechanicsville, VA


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7600 Studley Rd,
Mechanicsville , VA 23116 UNITED STATES


Northside Baptist Church 804-746-4952
7600 Studley Rd,
Mechanicsville , VA 23116 UNITED STATES
Northside Baptist Church 4.5

Based on 2 reviews

Northside Baptist Church 804-746-4952
7600 Studley Rd,
Mechanicsville , VA 23116 UNITED STATES
5 5

Church can be fun and helpful

This is how church should be-- encouraging, joyful, and compassionate, just like their tag line says. They are very active in the community doing good things. Their worship is traditional but creative and fun. The pastor does...
posted at 06/16/11
Northside Baptist Church 804-746-4952
7600 Studley Rd,
Mechanicsville , VA 23116 UNITED STATES
4 5

Encouraging, Joyful, Compassionate

Church like it is supposed to be! Northside's tag line caught my eye-- encouraging, joyful, compassionate. They hit the mark on all accounts. This family friendly church is always in the news doing something wonderful in the community....
posted at 06/16/11

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Northside Baptist Church
4.5 (2 reviews)
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Northside Baptist Church

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