Auto World of Chester

Auto World of Chester

Automotive in Chester, VA

Automotive Auto Dealers Auto Repair

Contact us


2400 W Hundred Rd,
Chester , VA 23831 UNITED STATES


Auto World of Chester 804-748-4400
2400 W Hundred Rd,
Chester , VA 23831 UNITED STATES
Auto World of Chester 2.7142857142857

Based on 7 reviews

Auto World of Chester 804-748-4400
2400 W Hundred Rd,
Chester , VA 23831 UNITED STATES
1 5

Bad Deal!!!! This place is a rip off. The old lady is nothing but a liar.. Showed a false report before purchase of the car and plus they jumbled up the blue book value after doing some investigating they over price with add ons the cars don't have or say they are in perfect condition and they have been wrecked multiple times. Don't fall for the scam they are hustlers!!! will tell everyone i know stay away.. all those who said they got a great deal its a lie!!! Has to be friends or family cause every car is a POS old wreck repo fixed up to jus pass off as a real car
posted at 04/02/13
Auto World of Chester 804-748-4400
2400 W Hundred Rd,
Chester , VA 23831 UNITED STATES
1 5

this place is nothing but a rip off. they act like they are your best friend . once you buy the car they do nothing but try and take it back. They move payments, they make it an all out nightmare after they get your money... STAY AWAY! You would have better luck getting a free car off craigslist... BEWARE!!!!!!
posted at 04/02/13
Auto World of Chester 804-748-4400
2400 W Hundred Rd,
Chester , VA 23831 UNITED STATES
1 5

Be careful

Dont get near this place unless you want trouble.\r
They seem nice...\r
But it's every car lot nightmare/joke rolled into one.
posted at 04/06/11
Auto World of Chester 804-748-4400
2400 W Hundred Rd,
Chester , VA 23831 UNITED STATES
5 5

The truth about Autoworld of Chester(:

I completly dissagree with the two reviews above. For they are wrong Autoworld of Chester is a wonderful place to buy cars. If these two stories above are true Lyndon Harrison would of told you everything wrong with the car before your...
posted at 10/06/10
Auto World of Chester 804-748-4400
2400 W Hundred Rd,
Chester , VA 23831 UNITED STATES
5 5

I love them!

If your looking for a great car at an afforable price i recommend Autoworld of Chester. There hardworking staff works with you to get you the car you deserve.
posted at 07/17/11
Auto World of Chester 804-748-4400
2400 W Hundred Rd,
Chester , VA 23831 UNITED STATES
1 5

Be careful

Dont get near this place unless you want trouble.\r
They seem nice...\r
But it's every car lot nightmare/joke rolled into one.
posted at 04/05/11
Auto World of Chester 804-748-4400
2400 W Hundred Rd,
Chester , VA 23831 UNITED STATES
5 5

The truth about Autoworld of Chester(:

I completly dissagree with the two reviews above. For they are wrong Autoworld of Chester is a wonderful place to buy cars. If these two stories above are true Lyndon Harrison would of told you everything wrong with the car before your...
posted at 10/05/10

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Auto World of Chester
2.7 (7 reviews)
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