Boychiks Deli

Boychiks Deli

Restaurants in Glen Allen, VA

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4024 Cox Rd,
Glen Allen , VA 23060 UNITED STATES


Boychiks Deli 804-747-1030
4024 Cox Rd,
Glen Allen , VA 23060 UNITED STATES
Boychiks Deli 3

Based on 2 reviews

Boychiks Deli 804-747-1030
4024 Cox Rd,
Glen Allen , VA 23060 UNITED STATES
1 5

Just Okay!! - Bad customer service - okay food

Called in an order today.... VERY RUDE employee answered the phone! We placed the order and because it was multiple people ordering lunch asked if we could use a couple different credit cards. Employee proceeded to curse at us and say "if...
posted at 01/11/11
Boychiks Deli 804-747-1030
4024 Cox Rd,
Glen Allen , VA 23060 UNITED STATES
5 5


Absolutely the best food, best service and affordable pricing. Always my 1st choice when I go out for lunch with friends. Such nice people and so friendly. You won't want to miss out on this place.
posted at 09/22/10

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Boychiks Deli
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