Lafayette Collectibles & Flea Market

Lafayette Collectibles & Flea Market

Antiques in Lafayette, CO

Antiques Furniture Flea Markets

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130 E Spaulding St,
Lafayette , CO 80026 UNITED STATES

About Lafayette Collectibles & Flea Market

Our local flea market and collectibles store has one of Lafayette's largest collections of 2nd hand furniture, vintage clothing, collectibles and vintage items! Rated one of the Nations best flea markets in the country, Lafayette Collectibles & Flea Market has so much to discover! With over 175 vendors there is so much to see, and the store inventory is changing all the time.

From home goods, furniture, vintage clothing, and collectibles you can find a little bit of everything, including a trip down memory lane! With common goods from your childhood or something your grandma might have had you never know what vintage item or used furniture piece you might find! Stop by today and see all of the wonderful items we have in store.


Lafayette Collectibles & Flea Market 303-665-0433
130 E Spaulding St,
Lafayette , CO 80026 UNITED STATES
Lafayette Collectibles & Flea Market 5

Based on 1 reviews

Lafayette Collectibles & Flea Market 303-665-0433
130 E Spaulding St,
Lafayette , CO 80026 UNITED STATES
5 5

Super shopping place - fun and affordable

Hey, everyone. I have just been to Lafayette Flea Market two days ago and that place is a huge treasure. They've got old and new stuff. EVERYTHING!!! I got my self some treasures from 1940's for almost nothing. Also got a great printer...
posted at 05/03/11

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Lafayette Collectibles & Flea Market
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Lafayette Collectibles & Flea Market

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