Pincock James L MD DMD

Pincock James L MD DMD

Dentists in Carson City, NV


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1470 Medical Pkwy, # 260
Carson City , NV 89703 UNITED STATES


Pincock James L MD DMD 775-884-4433
1470 Medical Pkwy, # 260
Carson City , NV 89703 UNITED STATES
Pincock James L MD DMD 4

Based on 1 reviews

Pincock James L MD DMD 775-884-4433
1470 Medical Pkwy, # 260
Carson City , NV 89703 UNITED STATES
4 5

good dr not happy with office side

The dr is vey good at his work but the office side needs quit a bit of work. We has a problem with the schedualing part and billing part
posted at 03/21/10

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