Hanover Middle School

Hanover Middle School

Middle Schools & High Schools in Hanover, MA

Middle Schools & High Schools Schools Public Schools

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45 Whiting St,
Hanover , MA 02339 UNITED STATES


Hanover Middle School 781-871-1122
45 Whiting St,
Hanover , MA 02339 UNITED STATES
Hanover Middle School 4

Based on 1 reviews

Hanover Middle School 781-871-1122
45 Whiting St,
Hanover , MA 02339 UNITED STATES
4 5

An A+ School!

In my experience at the Middle School 5th grade was awesome! The teachers are the nicest and you can always have a great time. My favorite part was Harvest Jam (when you get to dress up and watch the 8th graders share different talents)....
posted at 07/28/10

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Hanover Middle School
Middle Schools & High Schools
4.0 (1 reviews)
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Hanover Middle School

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