Deans International

Deans International

Auto Repair in Johnston, RI

Auto Repair

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1384 Hartford Ave,
Johnston , RI 02919 UNITED STATES


Deans International 401-272-2322
1384 Hartford Ave,
Johnston , RI 02919 UNITED STATES
Deans International 5

Based on 1 reviews

Deans International 401-272-2322
1384 Hartford Ave,
Johnston , RI 02919 UNITED STATES
5 5

Saved Thousands NO BS!!

My vehicle broke down within 20 minutes of leaving the dealer service center.
It was my first experience with this particular dealer in Cranston. The trouble light on my dashboard suggested a misfire condition. A day later the dealer...
posted at 02/28/11

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Deans International
Auto Repair
5.0 (1 reviews)
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