Hillview Auto Body

Hillview Auto Body

Auto Repair in Johnston, RI

Auto Repair Body Shops

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107 Railroad Ave,
Johnston , RI 02919 UNITED STATES


Hillview Auto Body 401-232-1660
107 Railroad Ave,
Johnston , RI 02919 UNITED STATES
Hillview Auto Body 5

Based on 1 reviews

Hillview Auto Body 401-232-1660
107 Railroad Ave,
Johnston , RI 02919 UNITED STATES
5 5

Completely satisfied!

Completely Satisfied!! I was in a pretty bad car accident. The entire back end of my car was totaled. Everyone at Hillview was very nice and professional. They did such a great job that you'd never even know how bad the damage was...
posted at 05/24/11

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Hillview Auto Body
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