Marcello's Transmissions

Marcello's Transmissions

Auto Repair in Johnston, RI

Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories Transmissions and Engines

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646 Killingly St,
Johnston , RI 02919 UNITED STATES


Marcello's Transmissions 401-831-5577
646 Killingly St,
Johnston , RI 02919 UNITED STATES
Marcello's Transmissions 1

Based on 1 reviews

Marcello's Transmissions 401-831-5577
646 Killingly St,
Johnston , RI 02919 UNITED STATES
1 5

Marcello's Transmissions Horrible

My loss is your wisdom gain. I had my transmission rebuilt in December 2008 by Marcellos. aproximately 18 months later, (without traveling much with the car) I am in need of a brand new transmission again. He didnt stand behind his...
posted at 08/17/10

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Marcello's Transmissions
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