Bridgewater Motor Works

Bridgewater Motor Works

Auto Repair in West Bridgewater, MA

Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories


400 E Center St,
West Bridgewater , MA 02379 UNITED STATES

About Bridgewater Motor Works

Established in 1984 as a Mercedes and BMW specialty repair shop, Bridgewater Motor Works has grown to be one of the largest and best equipped European service centers in southeastern Massachusetts. We now service Mercedes, BMW, Audi, Mini, Volvo, Saab, and VW automobiles. Bridgewater Motor Works is backed by a team of experienced technicians, a large inventory of original equipment manufacturer's parts, the latest technical information, and an abundance of special tools, to provide our customers with efficient, reliable automotive maintenance and repair. Dedicated to excellence in the quality of our work, we are your timely, honest, and dependable alternative to the new car dealer.

Our expertly trained technicians have one of the largest selections of specialty tools and diagnostic equipment at their disposal. We are able to offer the best European automobile service anywhere. The national institute for automotive service excellence has awarded Bridgewater Motor Works the Ase blue seal of excellence in acknowledgement or our relentless commitment to excellence.

Bridgewater Motor Work's goal is to establish a close and long-term relationship with all its customers. Our technicians have the same enthusiasm for fixing the premium cars we service as our customers have for owning and driving them. We strive to fix the customer's automobile correctly the first time at a fair price. To help accomplish these goals we are active members in trade associations such as the Automotive Service Association and international automotive technicians' network.

Excellent customer service is our top priority. Our outstanding reputation is the result of our focus on professionalism and dedication to excellence.

Bridgewater motor works is a Massachusetts emissions repair facility. We are also a member of the Better Business Bureau.



Bridgewater Motor Works 508-588-0220
400 E Center St,
West Bridgewater , MA 02379 UNITED STATES
Bridgewater Motor Works 5

Based on 4 reviews

Bridgewater Motor Works 508-588-0220
400 E Center St,
West Bridgewater , MA 02379 UNITED STATES
5 5

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posted at 12/18/16
Bridgewater Motor Works 508-588-0220
400 E Center St,
West Bridgewater , MA 02379 UNITED STATES
5 5

Fast and Fair. Highly Recommend.

After getting a quote from Herb Chambers Mercedes in Norwood for over $1400 to fix my car, I decided to get a second opinion. I went to Bridgewater Motor Works and am really glad I did. They diagnosed the problem and it turns out I didn't...
posted at 05/17/11
Bridgewater Motor Works 508-588-0220
400 E Center St,
West Bridgewater , MA 02379 UNITED STATES
5 5

Serious Car Mechanics!

These guys are serious mechanics. The owner is super, even went to MIT and has been working on cars since he was 12 years old. They are expert foreign auto technicians. They are the only ones I let service my 1998 Jaguar. If you need a...
posted at 05/17/11
Bridgewater Motor Works 508-588-0220
400 E Center St,
West Bridgewater , MA 02379 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great Service, Great Price

The Only Place I will Take My Cars!

Unlike the other reviewer, I had a great experience. They repaired my 1990 Mercedes 500sl when all others failed. This is a 21 year old car. I had a hard to diagnose electrical problem that was driving...
posted at 04/28/11

Detail information

Company name
Bridgewater Motor Works
Auto Repair
5.0 (4 reviews)
Claimed by Owner


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Bridgewater Motor Works

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