Anchor Subaru

Anchor Subaru

Auto Dealers in North Smithfield, RI

Auto Dealers Financial Services Automotive

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949 Eddie Dowling Hwy,
North Smithfield , RI 02896 UNITED STATES

About Anchor Subaru

Anchor Subaru is a family owned and operated, full service Subaru dealership in RI. What does that mean?

Unlike many dealerships, where the owners barely step foot in the building, our 3 owners, Bob, Brian and Chris Benoit are here, every day, for the past 24 years to ensure you get the best in service from our entire team.

We specialize in sales and service of new Subaru vehicles and the highest quality pre owned vehicles. With our all-new state of the art Subaru facility we are able to offer the best of both sales and service while providing the utmost in comfort and convenience for you.


Anchor Subaru 401-769-1199
949 Eddie Dowling Hwy,
North Smithfield , RI 02896 UNITED STATES
Anchor Subaru 2.75

Based on 4 reviews

Anchor Subaru 401-769-1199
949 Eddie Dowling Hwy,
North Smithfield , RI 02896 UNITED STATES
1 5

Terrible Attitude Towards the Customer

These guys are the quintessential sleazy car salesmen. Everything about the place reeks of the attitude - "sell this car at any cost regardless of consequence". Pushy with flip answers, a rude, sleazy sales manager who is practically...
posted at 02/12/11
Anchor Subaru 401-769-1199
949 Eddie Dowling Hwy,
North Smithfield , RI 02896 UNITED STATES
5 5

New car at Anchor Subaru

My wife and I were looking for the best price on a Forester in 4 states. We found it at Anchor Subaru. The sales manager met our price with no haggling. Our price was just 350 dollars over invoice. You should send them an offer if...
posted at 01/26/11
Anchor Subaru 401-769-1199
949 Eddie Dowling Hwy,
North Smithfield , RI 02896 UNITED STATES
2 5

Killer entrance/exit

Ok, so they're on 146 so you can only get in from one side of the highway. The entrance/exit is either insanely dangerous because of high speed traffic or you're stuck waiting forever for someone to let you in. Cutting through the other...
posted at 06/21/10
Anchor Subaru 401-769-1199
949 Eddie Dowling Hwy,
North Smithfield , RI 02896 UNITED STATES
3 5

Mixed experiences

The sales staff has been hit-or-miss there. Sometimes I feel very pressured. I stopped going for service there after having to have some body work redone weeks after they cleaned off some marks on the rear bumper.
posted at 06/06/10

Detail information

Company name
Anchor Subaru
Auto Dealers
2.8 (4 reviews)
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Anchor Subaru

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