Claudia Frustaci Ciao Bella Day Spa

Claudia Frustaci Ciao Bella Day Spa

Beauty & Spas in Milford, MA

Beauty & Spas Skin Care Day Spas

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17 Nancy Road,
Milford , MA 01757 UNITED STATES

About Claudia Frustaci Ciao Bella Day Spa

Claudia Frustaci is a professional make-up artist with more than 18 years working her creative talents on brides, models and people who are looking to learn more about make up application. Claudia started her career working in Milan, Italy for runway models at fashion shows featuring the works of Prada and Armani. During this time as an apprentice, she built up the knowledge and understanding on how to help create various styles and looks to match the trends of each show. Claudia's ambition took her to the US where she worked for Clinque and as a freelancer for Lancome. She is the owner of CiaoBella Day Spa and CF Beauty lifestyle as well as being actively involved with Armani Beauty and Yves Saint Laurent.


Claudia Frustaci Ciao Bella Day Spa 774-994-0669
17 Nancy Road,
Milford , MA 01757 UNITED STATES
Claudia Frustaci Ciao Bella Day Spa

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Claudia Frustaci Ciao Bella Day Spa
Beauty & Spas
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Claudia Frustaci Ciao Bella Day Spa

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