Clark the Locksmith

Clark the Locksmith

Keys & Locksmiths in Providence, RI

Keys & Locksmiths Alarm Services and Security

Contact us


135 Washington St,
Providence , RI 02903 UNITED STATES

About Clark the Locksmith

At Clark the Locksmith, we specialize in commercial and residential security including high-security applications such as Medeco, card access, and key restrictions. We can also handle all of your automotive security needs such as lockouts, lost keys, or repairing damaged keys.

Do you have a safe that needs opening? You've come to the right place. With over 40 years of locksmith experience, no safe is too tough to crack.


Clark the Locksmith 401-331-8234
135 Washington St,
Providence , RI 02903 UNITED STATES
Clark the Locksmith

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Clark the Locksmith
Keys & Locksmiths
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Clark the Locksmith

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