Bean Town Diner

Bean Town Diner

Restaurants in Stoughton, MA


Contact us


593 Washington St,
Stoughton , MA 02072 UNITED STATES


Bean Town Diner 781-344-6915
593 Washington St,
Stoughton , MA 02072 UNITED STATES
Bean Town Diner 4

Based on 2 reviews

Bean Town Diner 781-344-6915
593 Washington St,
Stoughton , MA 02072 UNITED STATES
4 5

Bean Town Diner

I love visiting diners when I am in different parts of the state. The hotdog and bean dinner reminded me of Saturday night dinners when I was growing up!
posted at 02/17/10
Bean Town Diner 781-344-6915
593 Washington St,
Stoughton , MA 02072 UNITED STATES
4 5


This restaurant is disgusting...including its owners! The owners wife KATHY has kids with BOTH OF THE BROTHERS! Is it uncle or daddy lady????? The food is gross. The cooks smoke inside, and i can just imagine what gets in the food. They...
posted at 01/16/11

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Bean Town Diner
4.0 (2 reviews)
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Bean Town Diner

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