Lastoria Italian Bar & Grill, Inc

Lastoria Italian Bar & Grill, Inc

Restaurants in Stoughton, MA

Restaurants Bars Italian Restaurants

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577 Washington St,
Stoughton , MA 02072 UNITED STATES


Lastoria Italian Bar & Grill, Inc 781-341-9797
577 Washington St,
Stoughton , MA 02072 UNITED STATES
Lastoria Italian Bar & Grill, Inc 2.5

Based on 2 reviews

Lastoria Italian Bar & Grill, Inc 781-341-9797
577 Washington St,
Stoughton , MA 02072 UNITED STATES
4 5

Eat in or take out

We have been going to Lastoria for 10 years.
The food is excellent, but watch out for the pre dinner bread it is so good it is easy to to eat too much!!
The staff are always friendly but not overpowering.
Since my husband became...
posted at 07/31/10
Lastoria Italian Bar & Grill, Inc 781-341-9797
577 Washington St,
Stoughton , MA 02072 UNITED STATES
1 5


The food was good, our waiter excellent.
I got deathly sick afterward. I know for a fact it was because of what I ate. I called Lastoria and talked to the owner.
He proceeded to inform me that it was impossible for me to get sick from...
posted at 04/13/10

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Lastoria Italian Bar & Grill, Inc
2.5 (2 reviews)
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Lastoria Italian Bar & Grill, Inc

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