Cafe Noir

Cafe Noir

Restaurants in Providence, RI

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125 N Main St,
Providence , RI 02903 UNITED STATES


Cafe Noir 401-272-2116
125 N Main St,
Providence , RI 02903 UNITED STATES
Cafe Noir 4

Based on 2 reviews

Cafe Noir 401-272-2116
125 N Main St,
Providence , RI 02903 UNITED STATES
4 5

A fun experience in Providence

We had a great night here. The staff had an excellent rapport. The food was very good, and we were impressed with the overall experience. This is a great place to take friends from out of town.
posted at 06/06/10
Cafe Noir 401-272-2116
125 N Main St,
Providence , RI 02903 UNITED STATES
4 5

A fun experience in Providence

We had a great night here. The staff had an excellent rapport. The food was very good, and we were impressed with the overall experience. This is a great place to take friends from out of town.
posted at 06/05/10

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Cafe Noir
4.0 (2 reviews)
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