US Adventure RV

US Adventure RV

Auto Repair in Davenport, IA

Auto Repair Body Shops

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5120 N Brady St,
Davenport , IA 52806 UNITED STATES


US Adventure RV 563-468-4678
5120 N Brady St,
Davenport , IA 52806 UNITED STATES
US Adventure RV 1.5

Based on 2 reviews

US Adventure RV 563-468-4678
5120 N Brady St,
Davenport , IA 52806 UNITED STATES
1 5

Expect to pay $1000 more upon return

When you check out the RV for renting, you'll notice minor ripped fabric, chipped paint, cracked fiberglass and lots of little things you'd expect in a rental. You think, 'no big deal, it all works fine'.

Even though they tell you...
posted at 03/25/11
US Adventure RV 563-468-4678
5120 N Brady St,
Davenport , IA 52806 UNITED STATES
2 5

Bad RV, Bad Service

I was very disappointed in the rv I rented and the customer service I received. The rv I was given when I rented from US Adventure was not the quality I was led to believe I would be receiving. I was also asked to pay for damage that I...
posted at 07/18/11

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US Adventure RV
Auto Repair
1.5 (2 reviews)
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US Adventure RV

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