Grandview Eye

Grandview Eye

Eye doctors & Optometrists in Odessa, TX

Eye doctors & Optometrists

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2102 N Grandview Ave,
Odessa , TX 79761 UNITED STATES

About Grandview Eye

Led by Odessa Optometrist,  Michael Buzbee, Grandview Eye offer , dry eye solutions, orthokeratology, eyeglasses, eye exams and more! Grandview Eye Site is a full service eye and vision care provider and will take both eye emergencies as well as scheduled appointments. Patients throughout the Permian Basin trust Dr. Buzbee  because they know they will receive the personal attention and professional eye care that is our foundation. Dr. Buzbee and our team are dedicated to the highest standards, the latest information. Schedule an appointment today!


Grandview Eye 432-367-5600
2102 N Grandview Ave,
Odessa , TX 79761 UNITED STATES
Grandview Eye

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Grandview Eye
Eye doctors & Optometrists
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