Sherrod Heights RV Park

Sherrod Heights RV Park

Camping in Big Spring, TX


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3717 H C Airport Rd,
Big Spring , TX 79720 UNITED STATES


Sherrod Heights RV Park 432-816-6730
3717 H C Airport Rd,
Big Spring , TX 79720 UNITED STATES
Sherrod Heights RV Park 3

Based on 1 reviews

Sherrod Heights RV Park 432-816-6730
3717 H C Airport Rd,
Big Spring , TX 79720 UNITED STATES
3 5

I would let them know it is a quiet place to stay. However, it gives the appeal the owners woke up one day and decided to build an RV Park. After that, there was no thought put into it. There is electricity and sometimes running water. No other amenities. They constantly go up on the rent. I could understand if they offered other amenities and it wasn't a dirt pit with a few trees. They have non potable water. It stains everything. If you pay for a month and you have to leave a week or 2 after paying, DO NOT request a refund. It will not be given. They do not believe in refunds because people will use your electricity and then leave without paying. If I have paid you for a month of service and I only use 2 weeks of it, you owe me a refund. I haven't used your electricity and ran off without paying. Camper beware!!
posted at 07/16/12

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Sherrod Heights RV Park
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