Bush's Chicken

Bush's Chicken

Restaurants in Odessa, TX

Restaurants Caterers

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2701 Andrews Hwy,
Odessa , TX 79762 UNITED STATES


Bush's Chicken 432-332-1255
2701 Andrews Hwy,
Odessa , TX 79762 UNITED STATES
Bush's Chicken 1

Based on 1 reviews

Bush's Chicken 432-332-1255
2701 Andrews Hwy,
Odessa , TX 79762 UNITED STATES
1 5

False Advertising

Yesterday we came by to get your happy hour drink special. And on your sign it says that you have tea for $1.89. Now, I know from going to law school that it is fine-able to falsely advertise something that you do not offer. I also know...
posted at 07/31/10

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Bush's Chicken
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