Keith's Hamburger Station

Keith's Hamburger Station

Restaurants in Odessa, TX

Restaurants Fast Food Restaurants Soul Food Restaurants

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4324 Andrews Hwy,
Odessa , TX 79762 UNITED STATES


Keith's Hamburger Station 432-368-0950
4324 Andrews Hwy,
Odessa , TX 79762 UNITED STATES
Keith's Hamburger Station 1

Based on 1 reviews

Keith's Hamburger Station 432-368-0950
4324 Andrews Hwy,
Odessa , TX 79762 UNITED STATES
1 5


I have seen the commercials, just like anyone else here has, of someone tossing a huge steak strip into a pile of flour and then slapping the guy in the face with some of that flour before going on to show some of the biggest steak...
posted at 02/16/10

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Keith's Hamburger Station
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