Edwards, Regina B PC

Edwards, Regina B PC

Lawyers and Law Firms in Wetumpka, AL

Lawyers and Law Firms

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109 E Bridge St,
Wetumpka , AL 36092 UNITED STATES

About Edwards, Regina B PC

Regina B. Edwards, Attorney At Law started practicing in Wetumpka in 1993 and then opened her own practice in Wetumpka in 2004. She graduated from Jones School of Law with honors in 1987. She was involved in the practice of law in Maryland, California, and Florida and began to build her foundations in real estate, business, personal and family law. She quickly expanded her firm into practicing civil litigation as well. When you find yourself in need of legal service, the firm of Regina B. Edwards is who you need to call.


Edwards, Regina B PC 334-514-1011
109 E Bridge St,
Wetumpka , AL 36092 UNITED STATES
Edwards, Regina B PC

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