Vital Smiles

Vital Smiles

Dentists in Mobile, Alabama

Dentists Lawyers and Law Firms

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2727 Pleasant Valley Rd.,
Mobile , Alabama 36606 UNITED STATES

About Vital Smiles

At Vital Smiles, we believe it's vital that every child we serve has access to proper dental healthcare, so we accept Medicaid, ALL Kids and most insurances including Blue Cross, Delta Dental, Southland, CIGNA and Aetna, credit cards and cash, and we have several payment plan options available. We were founded in 2003 with the overall goal of making quality dental care available to any family who desired. Today, we've expanded to offices in Centerfield, Huntsville, Midfield and Mobile, with more to come. Each Vital Smiles office is spacious, friendly, fun and designed specially for children and with dentists who are well-trained and highly experienced in providing high quality general denistry for children. Here at Vital Smiles we think of ourselves as a family, and we hope you'll consider making us your children's Dental Home.



Vital Smiles 251-473-5705
2727 Pleasant Valley Rd.,
Mobile , Alabama 36606 UNITED STATES
Vital Smiles

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Vital Smiles
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