Stripmasters Inc

Stripmasters Inc

Auto Repair in Milton, FL

Auto Repair

Contact us


6436 Restoration Rd,
Milton , FL 32570 UNITED STATES

About Stripmasters Inc

After having over 20 years experience in Classic Car restorations, Ray Younkin (owner) established StripMasters, Inc. at it's current location in Milton Florida. Since 1998 restoration projects done by Stripmasters can be seen on the roadways and at car shows throughout the country.
Trusting the shop that is working on your car is of the utmost importance, and StripMasters takes pride in every project we do! With over 70 years experience in the restoration and preservation of classic cars. Our staff is made up of restoration professionals and classic car enthusiasts. We build them, we own them and we drive them, which means we understand the pride of owning a well restored classic car. Our Services include classic car restoration, vintage car restoration, paint and body restoration, glass replacement and repair, and upholstery repair, vehicle customization, and more.

StripMasters has an “Open Shop” policy, we encourage our customers to ask questions and inspect repairs. Live out of town or don’t have time to stop by? No problem; we offer photo documentation of your project during the repair process to assure customer confidence.


Stripmasters Inc 850-626-3188
6436 Restoration Rd,
Milton , FL 32570 UNITED STATES
Stripmasters Inc

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Stripmasters Inc
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Stripmasters Inc

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