O'Briens Bistro

O'Briens Bistro

Restaurants in Pensacola, FL

Restaurants Continental Restaurants French Restaurants

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4350 Bayou Blvd,
Pensacola , FL 32503 UNITED STATES


O'Briens Bistro 850-477-9120
4350 Bayou Blvd,
Pensacola , FL 32503 UNITED STATES
O'Briens Bistro 4

Based on 1 reviews

O'Briens Bistro 850-477-9120
4350 Bayou Blvd,
Pensacola , FL 32503 UNITED STATES
4 5

Great food made by the owner

This place is an amazing restaurant. The owner of the place does the cooking. Great Creme Brulee. Try the herbed biscuits best I have ever had. Service was nice and prices affordable.
posted at 11/10/08

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O'Briens Bistro
4.0 (1 reviews)
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