Bob Thomas Automotive, Inc.

Bob Thomas Automotive, Inc.

Auto Repair in Medford, OR

Auto Repair

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535 Rossanley Dr,
Medford , OR 97501 UNITED STATES

About Bob Thomas Automotive, Inc.

Bob Thomas Automotive, located in Medford, OR, is full service automotive repair facility. As a family owned and operated business since 1997, we have dedicated ourselves to finding ways to save our customers money while providing quality service. We offer express oil and lube service, as well as towing and shuttle services available.We do it all, from vibration analysis and tune-ups to road tests and flushing. Our other services include: Alignments Alternations Balancing CNG Conversions Calibrations Electrical Work Emergency Services Engine ExchangesWe provide unparalleled customer service and quality repair that enables us to build long-term relationships with our clientele. We are proud of our reputation of professionalism and honesty in the valley. We accept all major credit cards and offer a nationwide warranty. We also provide senior discounts. We specialize in Toyota, Honda, Acura, and Lexus automobiles.Call Bob Thomas Automotive today and let us take care of your car!


Bob Thomas Automotive, Inc. 541-734-3743
535 Rossanley Dr,
Medford , OR 97501 UNITED STATES
Bob Thomas Automotive, Inc.

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Bob Thomas Automotive, Inc.
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Bob Thomas Automotive, Inc.

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