Auto Repair in Madison, WI
Auto Repair • Auto Parts and Accessories
75 W Beltline Hwy,
Madison ,
Mike Duffy Owner
Mike first picked up a wrench at the age of 15, when he bought his first car: a 55 Chevy in need of some love. He still has it. Mike graduated from MATC's Auto Mechanic program in 1976 and in 1979 became an instructor there, specializing in automatic transmissions. After working in various other shops, Mike realized something was missing in the transmission marketplace ? a shop focused on providing honest, high quality transmission repair with a superior level of customer service. In 1980, A1 Transmission was born. Mike loves his two dogs, drag racing, scuba, anything involving cars and his friends and family.
Randy Senior Technician
Randy has over 20 years of experience as an automotive technician and is certified in transmission repair and several other areas of auto repair. He?s been with A1 for over 15 years and regularly attends seminars throughout the nation to maintain an up-to-date knowledge of all things transmission oriented. He enjoys NASCAR, football, hunting, four-wheeling and the occasional cigar
We?We've been doing this for over 30 years. Our technicians have the highest available certifications and are continuously educating themselves to maintain the most up-to-date knowledge of transmissions.
Computerized Transmission Service with Scanner Diagnosis
Cars, Light Trucks, 4x4 Trucks, Motor Homes
Manual and Automatic Transmission
Domestic & Foreign
Front, Rear and All-Wheel Drive
Automotive Repair and Maintenance
All parts and labor carry a warranty, unless specified before work begins. The length of warranty depends on the type of parts and services provided and can range from 6 months to 3 years. Major transmission repair carries a minimum of 1 or 2-year nationwide coverage depending on application. A1 Transmission is a member of the Automatic Transmission Rebuilders Association (ATRA). There are over 2,000 independent member shops from coast to coast to help you in the unlikel...
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